September is my birth month and today is my birthday. I am overwhelmed and humbled by the numerous calls and messages I have received from family and friends near and far. I am grateful that our paths have crossed and for your continued love and friendship.
I never miss celebrating the day, and here is why... When I was 38, I was undergoing chemotherapy and unsure if I would live to see another day. I was told that if the aggressive treatment did not work, I would only have up to six months to live. At that time I wasn't even thinking of my 39th birthday. I was grateful for each extra day I was allowed to have and so I continue to be grateful and celebrate every day! Here I am today, 13 years later, cancer-free and still celebrating!
The promise I made on my sick bed was that if I could live to see my children grow up that I would live each day to the fullest, no moment would ever be wasted. And, I continue to keep that promise.
Life is not perfect, but I am grateful for both the good and bad days as I get to be here to experience them all, to create memories, to learn, to grow and to be the best I can be.
Celebrate each day of your life, every moment is special, no matter how you feel, show up; find the good in every situation as there is always something good if only you take the time to look; be grateful for the good and bad; seek new adventures; try new things and of course new foods; travel the world; volunteer to help others; be kind; be open-minded; love with all your heart and never ever skip dessert!